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Vista do Centro Hípico do RCCDCI


The Real Clube de Campo D. Carlos I, currently has an Equestrian Center with capacity for 70 horses and a Riding School, with various levels of learning and competition.

The AHT - Associação Hípica Terapêutica, which provides therapeutic riding and hippotherapy classes to young people with physical and/or intellectual disabilities, is also based on the Club's premises, thus providing improvements in their quality of life, physical well-being and integration in society.

The club is surrounded by excellent places for horse riding. Its extensive facilities include excellent  indoor and outdoor riding stables.

Centro Hípico do RCCDCI
Vista exterior do RCCDCI

Horses R' Us Riding School

facebook page

Contact: 917 815 488


Therapeutic Riding Association (IPSS

facebook page

Contact: 962 337 668


RCCDCI Equestrian Center Regulations (PT Only)

Picadeiro do RCCDCI
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